Monday, May 12, 2008

It's Your Responsiblity!

Today's subject on Kidz n Sports is Childhood Obesity. The reason we are discussing this subject on the show is because Kidz n Sports is one correct answer to this problem. I firmly believe that a lack of recreational activity such as sports is a much bigger culprit than than too many fast food hamburgers.

While every person has a different metabolism, it is widely held that children burn off calories at a much higher rate than adults. I grew up in Arizona. As a kid, I played outside when I was bored. We didn't have computers, Atari hadn't come out yet, it was stick ball and skateboarding. In high school, I lived with my aunt and uncle in Phoenix. My uncle would tell you I would eat them out of house and home. He made great Mexican food and I'm sure I got more than my share of calories. But I was never overweight.

Later, I worked in the soda business. Throwing 70 lb. cases of returnable bottles in 110 degree heat kept me in pretty good shape. I played softball and basketball in a couple of church leagues. I would jog occasionally. I never weighed over 180 pounds until I moved to California and got a soft job. As you get older, you discover that it is not so easy to get to the gym or go out and run a few miles. I quit playing slow pitch softball about 10 years ago as my hip was degenerating. Since then I've had a hip replacement.
Right now I'm sitting here with a torn Achilles, the result of trying to demonstrate a drill to my daughter's travel team. (on dirt, no cleats) Even with reduced calories the weight doesn't come off so easy.

So what does my story have to do with everyone else?

Simple! I'm the one responsible for my weight. Not McDonalds, not Taco Bell, not the State of California......ME! Parents are responsible for their children's welfare up until 18 legally. But they should be sending the message to the kids by the age of 14 if not sooner that they need to take charge of their lives, and their health. Just like we teach our young players that they, not their parents, need to talk to the coaches about their position on the team. They also need to learn to be responsible for other parts of their lives, including their weight.

I'm am quite sure that most of would agree, whether for work or play, we spend more time than we should staring at our computers. We spend more time and money than we need to for a better TV so we can see the latest movies in high definition. But what are we doing about the definition of our bodies. One of the biggest problems I see in today's society is that everybody wants to blame everybody else for what's wrong with their lives. I remember as a kid when you would point a finger at someone our parents would remind us that we have three pointing back at us. We need to remember that today.

Laziness is a disease that grows exponentially. The more lazy you are to more lazy you become. Day by day it gets harder and harder to get your butt up off the couch and get outdoors.
I can testify to this first hand. Parents take this blog to heart. Print it out and have your kids read it. Post it on the wall. It may add a few more years to your lives, or theirs. Better than any diet, surgery, or fitness guru. I'm going to give you the four most important steps to improve your lives you've ever read.

Get up; Get out; and Get moving!

Oh yes, the fourth. Take responsibility for your own success and failures.

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