Has 2012 Already Passed?
Wow, this year went by quickly. I thought I just posted that blog on Danny last week.... ok...j/k a little.
I hope you had a good year. It was tough for a lot of people, even me. But although I've had my struggles, I keep reminding myself of the same thing that I remind my players. There are two things you can control: Your attitude and your effort.
As the holidays approach it's time to remind ourselves that we control more than we might realize at times. Happiness is a choice. Forgiving someone else when we feel offended is a choice. Choosing to write a blog, go to work, create something...is a choice. So is giving up.
Even though I still have concerns about our country and our economy, I feel optimistic about 2013. I have a lot to do and my goal is the same as it always has been - to help our young people learn about sports and about life. I have recently received 501(c)(3) status for the National Youth Sports Association and will be progressing with building that to help young athletes to have more opportunities to develop their skills. I know I also need to update www.kidznsports.com and get that back on track as well. There are still plenty of new young athletes and parents that need information about youth sports. I should be graduating from Westwood College and hope to be able to expand my career in a few ways as well.
There are so many things that can take our minds of where it should be. It's easy to get caught up in politics, work, disasters, wars, and everything else life throws at us. I try to remember what a good friend shared with me on more than one occasion. Most of what we see on the news or in the media does not directly affect our daily lives to a great degree. It's time to get back to focusing my attitude and effort to benefit my family and those young people who look to me for guidance, encouragement, and motivation.
I just added a few adjustments to kidznsports.com. I've posted my CYBER MONDAY sale for CUSTOM LINEUP CARDS. I'll be adding some more updates soon. Plus I've decided to add a special FREE section that I think you baseball and softball fans will appreciate. Please visit Kidz "n" Sports and check in often. Even better yet LIKE my Facebook page or send me an email.
And have a very happy and SAFE holiday season.
Coach Mike
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