Friday, January 30, 2009

Tragedy and Tribulation in Youth Sports: Why do these things happen?

Two events have occurred within the last two weeks that have provided a whole refrigerator full of food for consumption by any youth sports fan, player, coach, or administrator. There is so much to consider I am actually going to write this blog in three parts.

Of course, the two events I’m talking about are the blowout girl’s basketball game in Texas, and the high school football coach being charged with negligent homicide in Kentucky. The first event has created media frenzy with more storm than Hurricane Katrina. The second event is a tragedy but is also an event that could lead to huge changes in youth sports policies. It has also amplified our need as a society to blame someone whenever someone is hurt or killed, or even when we don’t get what we want. There are many parts of each side of each story that have merit and seemingly an equal number of issues on each side that do not have merit.
In case you somehow have missed either one of these stories, here are a couple of links to each one just to fill you in on the basics of each story.

Kentucky Coach Pleads Not Guilty in Player's Heat Death,2933,483027,00.html

School Seeks to Forfeit 100-0 Win

In one story, a high school football coach has been charged with negligent homicide (some consider this to mean “murder,”) in the death of one of his players from apparent heat related issues. In the 47 years from 1960 to 2007 there have been 114 reported heat stroke deaths according to the Fox News articles. And while there were many lawsuits, never, I said NEVER, has a coach been charged with a crime from his or her actions. And in this case, there are a number of reasons to question why this coach has been charged with a crime.

In the other story it is basically one really good team beat a less talented team….really bad. Like, 100-0. The team that lost is from a school that works with children who have various issues such as learning disabilities, ADHD, and other special needs kids. Both schools are Christian schools, which of course, brings out all those who don’t believe in God who love to post wisecracks knocking those who do. The coach of the winning school has been fired for refusing to apologize. And the losing team has now canceled the rest of their league games.

So to finish today’s blog, I will basically list the stories and the questions I have surrounding the events listed. Then in my next two blogs, I will address those questions. In the meantime you can think about the questions I pose as well and see if we come up with the same answers. Dr. Gerald Coy will be my guest on Monday’s show of Kidz n Sports airing at 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM California time on the internet at We are in the process of producing a collaboration of articles into a book “Healthy Kidz n Sports.” These two events have many lessons both mental and physical that we can learn from.

First, in the tragic case of 15 year old Max Gilpin’s death during football practice in Kentucky:
1. Why was there not an autopsy performed? This young man took nutritional supplements and some medications. How do we know that this did not play a major part in his death? I used to run Cross Country in Arizona in 100 degree heat. 12 sets of wind sprints in 94 degree heat index isn’t something I’d worry too much as far as being that dangerous for a healthy 15 year old.
2. Why was the head coach charged with a crime and not the assistant coaches?
3. The father of the boy was present when his son collapsed. Why would there be no responsibility on his part for the boy’s welfare? And did he change his story?
4. Did the coach or coaches refuse to allow the players to have water? One report says “yes” another says “no.”
5. Where do we draw a line between what is a “tragedy” and what is a “crime?”

Second, in the case of the basketball blowout:

1. Why did the Covenant Coach not freely substitute his players when the score was so lopsided?
2. If the Covenant Coach was “running up” the score, why did his team only score 12 points in the 4th quarter?
3. Are learning disabilities only found in girls? The Dallas Academy boy’s basketball team beat Covenant Christian School. While I try to be somewhat sensitive about somebody’s handicaps, I also don’t like to see a disability used as an excuse when no excuse is needed.
4. What is the appropriate way to coach or play when such an obvious mismatch exists? Is it more embarrassing to a player to lose 100-0 or to lose 40-10 and know that the other team played “on their knees?”
5. After the Dallas Academy officials stated how proud they were of their girls and how they didn’t give up, they canceled the rest of their league games. Why?
6. Should the Covenant Coach have been fired?
7. Do we place too much importance in the score of a game and not enough on how it is played?

Feel free to post your comments below. I will publish the second part of this blog on Monday, February 2nd, discussing the Kentucky event and the third part of this blog on Wednesday, February 4th discussing the Texas basketball game.

Why nothing on Tuesday? It’s my 19th Wedding Anniversary. I must take my wife out for a nice dinner.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Starting 2009 – Another Year, Another Opportunity


Another year gone, another year upon us. Where did the time go? How many games, how many practices, how many laps, crunches?
But the most important two questions we must ask: Did we grow as a player, as a person? And did we have fun?

Whether you answered the above questions yes or no, we must not settle on our past laurels. It is now time to make our goals (if you haven’t already done so) for 2009. Notice, I said goals, not resolutions. Resolutions are a good start. But if they aren’t turned into goals, well, we know the traditional lifespan of a resolution.

Take a look at what you achieved last year. Don’t judge whether you achieved a little or a lot. Whether you rated your accomplishments at a 1 or a 10 that is not a finishing point. That is your starting point for 2009.

Let’s say you had a pretty unproductive, or even a bad year. You didn’t play well. You struggled with grades. Perhaps you had some troubled relationships. You absolutely must remember one thing: This is only one year of your life. Now you may be saying to yourself “Coach Mike, if that’s only one year, what do I have to look forward to for the next 5, 10, or 20 years?” “I don’t want to live my life if it’s all going to be like this last year.”

Well, the good news is that your future does not have to be so bleak. In reality, it probably won’t. For a young person, this is one of the most difficult things to understand; that one year is just a very small part of your life. You are still learning about life. You’re probably going to make some mistakes. Each person is different. Things can be changed for the better.

But guess what? It’s up to YOU! If you are not satisfied with last year, with where your life is right now, you have the power to change it. But you must be willing to deal with that little word….”change.”

It has been said that a fool is a person who is very dissatisfied with the last five years of their life, but doesn’t want to change anything, and yet expects the next five years to be different.

So let’s try following these steps to have a better 2009:

1) Make a list of the POSITIVE things, the blessings in your life. These may be people in your life; it may be something you accomplished. But the first step to success is to realize that there is POSITIVE in your life. It may be a little, or it may be a lot. MAKE A LIST!

2) Now make a second list of the things you would like to change in your life. Don’t be vague. Write out specifically what you want to change. For example: “I want to get a B in Biology instead of a D.” “I want to raise my batting average by 30%.”

3) Now go down that second list and by each item you want to change, write down a specific action you will take to change that item. For example: “I want to get a B so I will study more. I will study for at least 1 hour extra per night.” “I want to raise my batting average by 30% so I will go to the batting cages twice a week.”

If you followed these steps guess what you have just done: You have set goals for 2009. Take your list out every day, and read it. And each week take a check of how much progress you are making. Not making progress? Perhaps you made an unreasonable goal. If you see you are not making progress in one area, go back and look at the original item, the action planned, and the goal. Perhaps you were not following up with the action you needed to take. Maybe you only studied one extra hour per week. Be accountable to yourself. Get your parents to help you. (Yeah, you have to trust your parents once in a while.) But you can make the changes you need to have a more successful year.

If you need someone to help you be accountable feel free to email me at I will be happy to help you with your goal setting and accountability. But keep in mind, honesty and accountability go hand in hand. You must be honest with yourself first.

Oh yes, and for those of you who had a very successful year. You too need to not sit on your laurels. Enjoy your accomplishments. But don’t think you are finished. I’ve seen many people have one or two great years and then sat back and figured everything else would just gravitate to them. Wrong! You need to keep building on your success. You may not show as much improvement because of where you are starting. But you must keep moving forward. Again, it is only one year in your life. And remember this: If you are still awed by what you accomplished yesterday, then you must not have done anything yet today.

Best wishes for 2009.